April 2023 Progress Report

GOOD LORD am I late
Yeah sorry I got nothing I literally just forgot to write this.
I blame Tears of the Kingdom's recent hype, I've been dying to play that game for so long
Anyway, let's finally get into it



Possibly the biggest update of this devlog, while I haven't directly continued the main story ingame, I've been working on something else, it's not something optional either, it's more than just a mere side quest.
Screenshots below.


So about that new thing I talked about, have a look:

Good lord trying to add these four images has been a nightmare, they either kept deleting themselves or they kept getting added in the wrong spot

Well, whatever, this is a new zone, so there's still a lot of sprites I'll have to create, but I've done this so many times it shouldn't be much.


Well, including this new zone i showed you, there are four more tracks remaining and chapter 2's music will be complete, just a last stretch for this part.

Other than that i may have to recreate the Boss battle music for this chapter because i had lost the original file due to my PC resetting and I feel like I'm not exactly too satisfied with it, though it's basically my tester's favorite track so I guess i don't have to stress about it much.


It has been going terribly again, nothing I do ever works, I'm finding all this miserable and I'm definitely not saying this because it's actually the opposite and I'm saying all of this on purpose because of being afraid of jinxing it again, no sir.

I've also added submitted the game on Feedback Quest 4 Jam to let others try out chapter 1 in hopes of actually getting feedback, so far it looks like it's working? I hope so, I really wish to see more people giving this game a shot and experience what i created so far.

By the way, I'm not a release date type of guy, but i feel like the chapter will really be complete this year, maybe when chapter 1 will be one year old? Maybe earlier than that if I'm lucky? I'll find out in the near future

That is all.

See you next month.

Get Inize Warrior

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