January 2023 Progress Report

I'm like 4 days late lol.

Welcome to the first 2023 progress report, as promised i resumed development as soon as the holidays ended.



the main focus is no longer updating the entire world after you defeat chapter 1's boss, i'm progressing with chapter 2's story and... I think i'm 1/4 done with it (i still have to finish the first section), but i've already planned everything out, the only thing left is making it a reality (hopefully that will be very soon...)


Oh boy, the amount of stuff i have to share here...
I'll just keep it short, mostly to keep the surprises, anyway about the sneak peek i posted on the last devlog, the design has been finalized and revealed once again on my YouTube channel.

The new zone (the shoreside) is basically done, i only have one single section left and that's it, if i have to expand the level design i can do it easily now, the hardest part (at least for me) is making new NPCs, it sounds easy but i struggle drawing them for some reason.

That's... really all i can say without spoiling much, anyway just look at this cool stuff:

<- Currently pointing at someone awesome

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/407556487574061066/1065329209154744320/image.png < - Rockin' out

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/407556487574061066/1066799203747115199/image.png < - Uh... Nothing much to say about this actually he's literally just sideways

< - Guess what? It's another silhouette, this time for the main villain of the chapter


I... Perhaps i needed a break from this, just need some extra inspiration.


The hardest parts i dreaded were done in like a single day or two when i felt lazy, maybe this won't be so hard after all? Wait whoops i shouldn't jinx it.
Anyway, some cool shoreside mechanics are done, the new companion mechanic is also finished and fully customizable (You're welcome, future me), i've made like two new enemies now, please let the entire development be smooth sailing exactly like this.
tl;dr, done a lot, was incredibly easy.

Well, that's all, next month i should have a build ready for my beta testers (all 2- nevermind there's literally just 1 of them), at least for the first section of the chapter.

Get Inize Warrior

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