February 2023 Progress Report

Right on time.

Anyway, it's devlog time again, and development went really fast last month, so i'll make this quick as well.



The first section is completely done, just like i said last devlog i finally had a build ready for my lone beta tester, it was hilarious.
Next i'll focus on finishing the other half, hopefully it'll be done around 2023 Q2


While i still have yet to start anything about the second half, the first half is still missing some optional stuff and NPCs, so i'll still be pretty busy with this.


That break was needed man i'm basically listening to my recent compositions on repeat.
Just like graphics, i still need some other themes for the first half, or maybe just one.


Turns out i did jinx it last time, as i've been stuck with making just cutscenes for 2 weeks straight, man it's hard.

It's not even over yet, i've already said the first build was tested, so obviously glitches appeared.

And they don't look fun to fix.

At all.

  "Player used Double Team!"

"Mom, the player cut down the houses in half again!"

That's all, was that fast enough? Maybe i should try speedrunning devlogs again perhaps i'll get a PB.

Get Inize Warrior

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